Tag: Warner Bros

What we know about Middle Earth: Shadow of War

What we know about Middle Earth: Shadow of War

Warner Bros’ recently announced Middle Earth: Shadow of War, which is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. As well as an increased map size, and more appearances from characters from The Lord of the Rings universe there have been many other additions. These include the return of the award winning nemesis system, sieges and tribes as well as an addition of new enemies. middleearth-shadow-of-war-e3-2017-gameplay-video_1.jpg

Nemesis System:

In Middle Earth: Shadow of War, the nemesis system is the structure that developers, monolith, created to make sure there are endless possibilities for the enemies, the way they act and appear and stories that will grow as they are tackled and eventually defeated.

Each captain, war chief and overload have their own personality, rivalries and traits which develops overtime. The system dictates different; names, tribe, visuals, power levels, army rank, relationship, fighting style, traits and location. It is designed so that no two players games  will be identical. middle-earth-shadow-of-war-game


Introduced by the enhanced nemesis system are fortresses which dote the regions around Mordor and the surrounding lands. Overloads are now found in these fortresses instead of randomly being dotted around the map.

The look and feel of the castle will be altered depending on what Tribes the Overlord is a part of, and their class – as well as their Strengths and Weaknesses may also factor into what defences or traps the fortress holds. Each of the War chiefs will also bring another measure of defence to the table.

In order to start a siege you will often have to have completed a number of quests, normally revolving around the conquest of Sauron’s army. Although you can explore the fortress to learn the lay out and draw out lesser captains.

Talion can also call in specific types of reinforcements, such as; sappers, mounted cavalry, Olog-Hai, hosts, siege beasts, war Draug, drakes and spiders.  Also fortresses will have defences such as; iron gates, stone walls, spouts, reinforcements and war beasts.




Middle Earth: Shadow of War, also adds new classes to the nemesis system. These new enemy classes are; assassin, beast master, berserker, commander, destroyer, marksman, slayer, tank, tracker and trickster. Whilst not much has been released bout these at the moment it will most likely affect the fighting style of the enemies and the ways in which you tackle them.



Again tribes of enemies have been added, but similar to classes not much have been revealed, only their names. These are; mystic, marauder, machine, terror, feral and warmonger tribes. These tribes and the enemies that are apart of them are more likely to be a cosmetic change rather then having a large effect on gameplay.


Middle Earth: Shadow of War, is released on 10th October 2017 on PC, PS4 and Xbox one.

Middle Earth: Shadow Of War- Shelob reveal

Middle Earth: Shadow Of War- Shelob reveal

Warner Bro’s recently released a video tease for their latest game Middle Earth: Shadow of War, which is the sequel to Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.


The game takes place between Tolkien’s infamous books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series. The games follow Talion the Ranger and the wrath possessing him Celebrimbor, in their fight for revenge against the Dark Lord Sauron.


But the most exciting news to come out of the Warner Bro’s trailer was the reveal of the famous giant spider Shelob who made an appearance in The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. The trailer shows Talion fighting Shelob, but not much more has been revealed, but it has got fans talking on forums about other Lord of the Rings characters making cameos or appearances after Golem made several appearances in Shadow of Mordor.

Middle Earth: Shadow Of War is released on 10th October 2017, on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.